How Much Do We Charge?
Well, that depends entirely on you. It really does. Our clients come to us with all manner of needs. That includes long and lengthy credit issues and smaller issues. Each one is evaluated on a case by case basis, doing so makes our pay scale a little different then the others.
Are you Local?
We are! We are located in the Philadelphia, PA area and we are nationally syndicated. That means your get top notch services, and hometown flair. Our team is professional, licensed, and bonded. We are always keeping them up to date on the latest and legal practices involved with bad credit repair.
How Fast Can You Fix My Bad Credit?
Call us today to find out! Again, it’s all on a case by case basis-so your FREE consultation should cover home much it may cost.
100% Money Back Guarantee
That’s right, if your score does not raise in 6 months we will refund you your money! What do you have to loose? Literally nothing at this point!